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Note:-Your Cash back/Reward will add to your wallet within 72 hrs. For any missing Cash Back/Reward or Purchase above Rs.999.00. Please Contact our Delivery Executive (Contact no. Display on Banner) or Drop a message on Chat box not to retail stores.

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Categorywise Products

Homedeliveroo is a one stop place where you can order all your needs ranging from foods to medicines and related groceries.

  • Bakery & Sweets
  • Fruits & Vegetables
  • Grocery
  • Medicine
  • Stationery
  • Foods
Best products delivery service in Assam

easy Products order in 3 steps

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Explore Items

Search Items among the listed different categories of items in our website.

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Choose & Select

Select the items you wish to add to cart and click on the order for the item

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Order & Delivery

Order the selected items and wait for the delivery boy to get the item delivered to your door.

The Best Products Delivery App

We have a launch team that focuses on one city at a time. At the end of the day, we're a marketplace. In order to make an effective marketplace, you need critical mass. We need enough restaurants that quality and variety